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Visit the mine underground


The underground visits will be carried out along the current 8th, 9th and 10th levels of Sotón Mine at a depth of approximately 386 to 556m with respect to the surface.

The adventure is a unique experience that has already become a reference for tourism in Asturias.

Do you dare to come?.

Visit the museum


For the less daring, we also have a Centre of Mining Experience and Memory (CEMM) that shows the history of mining in Asturias in an didactic way.

Installed in the old shower house at Soton Mine (“Casa de Aseos del Pozo Sotón”), it shows a journey through the history of the company HUNOSA from the perspective of experiences and interactivity with virtual and real elements.

The Mining Cathedral

El Pozo Sotón is a coal mine in the heart of the mining basin in Asturias. HUNOSA, the public mining company that owns the mine, has set up a unique tourist project in the world: the possibility for tourists to tour its galleries and feel like “miners for a day” drilling coal or drilling a gallery next to the company’s miners. Sotón is a unique adventure, the best plan when one wonders what to do in Asturias.

Pozo Sotón, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest with the category of Monument, has more than 140 kilometres of galleries. Visitors can explore some of them, more than half a kilometre deep, on foot and also by train as the miners do from the shaft to the stopes.

Sotón is a unique tourist adventure in the world: just a few experiences go so deep.

Together with the visit underground – short and long – the installation completes its offer with exterior routes, for the less daring, and with a mining museum that offers visits for children, activities for schools and pupils, a mining escape room, theatrical visits and many more activities. Don’t miss it, at Sotón there is fun for the entire family.


Pozo Sotón has won numerous awards since it opened to the public in 2015.

  • Included among the 100 most representative elements of industrial heritage in Spain by the International Committee for the Conservation and Defense of the Industrial Heritage (TICClH).
  • Recognized as Anchor Point in Europe by the ERIH – European Route Industrial Heritage – for its cultural and tourist values since 2017.
  • Since 2016, the first mine in the world accessible on Google Street View.
  • Integrated into the European Network of Mining Museums, which includes ten centres of industrial culture in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Italy and Poland.
  • Awarded the “Asturian Tourist Ambassador 2017” prize by the Asturian hotel and tourism employers’ association (OTEA).